1. Parties

This Website User Agreement ("User Agreement") is concluded between JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. and the User who accesses and/or becomes a member of the website at the moment the User approves the use of the Website in the electronic environment where the Website is located. The User hereby acknowledges, declares, and undertakes that by accessing the Website and/or becoming a member, they have read the entire Agreement, understood its contents in full, and accepted and approved all its provisions.

2. Definitions

Seller: refers to the JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. / JayJayJumpie Tekstil Anonim Şirket.
Website: Refers to the Website consisting of the domain name and its subdomains.
Buyer: Refers to the user who purchases the goods and/or services offered for sale by the Seller using the services offered on the Website.
Content: All visual, auditory, written information shared on the Website, along with accessible data such as logos, signatures, files, music.
Service: Refers to the applications presented by JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. within the Website to enable Users to perform the transactions defined in the User Agreement. User/Member: Refers to the real or legal person who accesses the Website and/or becomes a member and benefits from the services offered on the Website in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in this User Agreement. Sellers and Buyers become Users by registering on the Website.
Product: Refers to any kind of goods and/or services offered for sale by the Seller on the Website.

3. Subject and Scope of the Agreement

3.1 The subject of the User Agreement is the determination of the terms and conditions for the use of the services offered on the Website, the conditions of benefiting from these services, and the rights and obligations of the parties.

3.2 The scope of the User Agreement includes all statements made by JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. within the Website, including the User Agreement and its appendices, warnings, writings, and explanations regarding the use, membership, and services on the Website.

3.3 By accepting the provisions of the User Agreement, you also agree to comply with all statements made by JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. regarding the use, membership, and services on the Website, and to act in accordance with these statements.

4. Membership and Service Usage Terms

4.1 Membership is completed by the registration process through the relevant section of the Website by the person who wants to become a User by submitting the necessary identity information to the Website and the approval of the registration process by JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. Membership rights and authorization defined in this User Agreement cannot be obtained without completing the membership process.
4.2 To become a member of the Website, one must be of legal age and must not have been temporarily suspended or permanently banned from membership by JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. Minors or individuals who have been temporarily suspended or permanently banned from membership by JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. as stated in Article 5.2 of this User Agreement completing the Website registration process will not result in them becoming Website members.

5. Rights and Obligations

5.1 User's Rights and Obligations

5.1.1 The User acknowledges, declares, and undertakes that while fulfilling the membership procedure, benefiting from the services of the Website, and performing any transaction related to the services on the Website, they will act in accordance with all the terms specified in the User Agreement, the rules specified in the relevant parts of the Website, and the applicable legislation, and that they understand and approve all the above-mentioned terms and rules.

5.1.2 User agrees, declares, and undertakes that JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. shall be authorized to disclose its confidential/private/commercial information to official authorities and right holders in cases where it is claimed that the provisions in the Privacy Policy, together with the provisions of the mandatory legislation in force or the rights of other Users and third parties, have been violated. Therefore, User acknowledges, declares, and undertakes that no compensation can be claimed from JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. under any name whatsoever.

5.1.3 The security, storage, keeping away from the knowledge of third parties, and use of access tools (username, password, etc.) used by Users to access the system for using the services offered by JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. are entirely the responsibility of the Users. JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. shall not have any direct or indirect liability for any damages suffered or that may be suffered by the Users and/or third parties due to all negligence and faults of the Users regarding the security, storage, keeping away from the knowledge of third parties, and use of the access tools to the system.

5.1.4 Users acknowledge, declare, and undertake that the information and contents provided by themselves on the Website are accurate and lawful. JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. is not obliged or responsible to investigate the accuracy of the information and contents provided or modified or provided by Users to JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. through the Website, to guarantee and warrant that such information and contents are secure, accurate, and lawful, and shall not be held responsible for any damages arising from the incorrect or erroneous nature of such information and contents.

5.1.5 Without the written consent of JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş., Users cannot transfer their rights and obligations under the User Agreement, in whole or in part, to any third party.

5.1.6 Users benefiting from the services offered by JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. and using the Website may only conduct transactions on the Website for lawful purposes. Users are solely responsible for the legal and penal consequences of all transactions and actions they undertake within the Website. Each User agrees, acknowledges, and undertakes not to reproduce, copy, distribute, process, or engage in activities that would constitute unfair competition with JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş., either directly or indirectly, in any way, or in any other way, including reproducing, copying, visual and auditory images, video clips, files, databases, catalogs, and lists available on the Website, directly and/or indirectly competing with JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. through these actions or otherwise.

5.1.7 JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş., its employees, or managers shall not be liable for services provided on the Website or content published by third parties, including Users. The accuracy and legality of any information, content, visual or audio images provided and published by any third party are the sole responsibility of the individuals performing such actions. JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. does not guarantee the security, accuracy, or legality of services and content provided by third parties, including Users.

5.1.8 Users agree, declare, and undertake not to engage in transactions enabling money transfers between their own memberships or those of their relatives on the Website and not to engage in behaviors that manipulate the functioning of the Website. Otherwise, Users accept that they will compensate JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. for any damages suffered.

5.2 Responsibilities and Obligations of JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş.

5.2.1 JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. reserves the right to change the services and content offered on the Website at any time, including the right to block or delete information and content uploaded by Users and third parties. JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. may exercise this right without prior notice. Users promptly comply with changes requested by JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. Users are responsible for compensating for damages resulting from User's failure to comply with requested changes.

 5.2.2 JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. may link to third-party sellers, providers, or other third-party websites and portals not under its control through the Website. These links may be provided by Users or JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. for reference purposes only and do not imply endorsement or warranty of the website, operator, or content contained therein. JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. assumes no responsibility for services or products offered or the content of portals or websites accessed via these links.

5.2.3 JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. does not act as a mediator or arbitrator in disputes arising between Users regarding services and products provided on the Website.

5.2.4 JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. may conduct necessary content and/or message scanning to detect messages or content that violate the operation of the Website, the User Agreement, general rules of the Website, or general ethical rules. JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. may remove detected messages or content from access at any time and in any manner, and may temporarily or permanently terminate a User's membership without notice

5.2.5 The acceptance and implementation of the User Agreement do not create a partnership, agency, or employer-employee relationship between JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. and Users.

5.2.6 Users undertake not to violate the legal rights of third parties, such as copyright, trademark, or trade name, when selecting their username. In case of User's non-compliance with this provision, JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. may request correction of the non-compliant situation under the Usage Agreement or, if desired, may temporarily or permanently cancel the User's membership without prior notice.

6. Privacy Provisions

JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. may use information related to Users in accordance with the Privacy Provisions stated on this Website. JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. will not use confidential information about Users contrary to the User Agreement or Privacy Provisions.

7.0 Intellectual Property Rights

Users agree not to resell, share, distribute, display, reproduce, create derivative works from, allow access to or use for anyone else JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş.'s services, information, or copyrighted works. Otherwise, Users will be responsible for compensating JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. for damages suffered by third parties, including licensors.The rights of JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş., including intellectual and personal property rights, commercial information, and know-how, are reserved, including all tangible and intangible assets, commercial trademarks, and appearances or any type of material and intellectual property rights owned through the Website.Users agree, declare, and undertake not to violate any intellectual or industrial property rights of JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. and other Users on the Website.

8. Contract Amendments

JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. reserves the right to unilaterally change this User Agreement and its appendices at any time by announcing such changes on the Website. The amended provisions of this User Agreement will be effective upon their announcement; the remaining provisions will remain in effect and continue to have legal consequences.

9. Force Majeure

JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. is not responsible for any delay or failure to perform any obligation under this Agreement due to legally defined force majeure events. In case of force majeure events, no delay, incomplete performance, or default will be considered, and no compensation will be claimed from JayJayJumpie Tekstil A.Ş. by Users.

10. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Turkish law will govern the implementation, interpretation, and legal relationships arising from this User Agreement. In case of any disputes arising from or related to this User Agreement, Istanbul Courts and Execution Offices have jurisdiction.

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